For more information about the study - see "About"
To randomise a patient:
1) Go to the Redcap login page and enter login details:
2) You will be prompted for an authentication code. Click "Email". To get code, login to email here:
If there are any issues please call Ben (see contact)
Once logged into REDCap see instructions below.
1) Once logged in the following screen appears, click "+ Add new record"
2) On the next page click the greyed out status button next to screening and randomisation
3) After entering the patient details double check all the inclusion (should be YES) and exclusion criteria (should be NO), then select "Yes" to confirm patient eligible and click the "Randomize" button
4) To randomise the patient, again click "Randomize"
5) You will be prompted the study group - either control (standard AN69ST) or oXiris
6) Finally select the option "Complete" from the form status section, then "Save & Exit Form"